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Blogs from ‘Forklift Certification’ Category


Get Forklift Certified To Secure Your Future In Canadian Heavy Industries

September 12th, 2019

Driving the forklift is an integral part of material handling businesses. If you live in Canada you should know that training is compulsory for individuals who aim to drive the forklift. This is mandatory compliance now in the industries that involve in the handling of heavy materials. Forklift certification is given to individuals who complete the classroom training and practical training and finally qualify the evaluation program. Getting this certification […]

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How Do You Get a Forklift License in Ottawa Ontario?

August 20th, 2019

Workplace safety now has become the obligatory practice for organizations. A lot of hazardous works are performed daily in the heavy industries, also known as forklift which carries the risk of series injuries and in extreme situations even loss of life. Considering this, some regulations have been formulated to prevent unwanted incidents in the workplace and to save employers from heavy penalties. Hence, this was done keeping in mind the […]

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