Fall Protection

Fall Protection Training Program is designed to introduce both experienced and inexperienced operators to the principles and practices critical to the safe use of fall protection equipment and ensure users have the ability to correctly apply safe practices and  procedures. Our experience has indicated  that fall protection training is the most effective method to protect the user(s) Health and Safety. The information delivered during the course is consistent with all related policies and procedures, standards and regulations. The time required to deliver and facilitate the Safety Through Motion -Fall Protection Training Program is 3 hours.

By following the Ministry of Labour regulations within the Occupational Health & Safety Act and recommendations by the CSA Standards our training program is one of the best investments you as an Employer or Individual can make to assist you in attaining a good safety record. Our Safety Through Motion-Fall Protection Training Program has proven to generate and result in a positive return in investment. Upon successful  completion of the training program, you will see a  significant cost cutting measure in areas such as operator injury, equipment maintenance, down time, Worker’s Compensation premiums and insurance premiums.

Program Content- Overview

  • Regulations/Standards in Fall Arrest/Protection
  • Identification- Description and Selection of Fall Protection Systems
  • Ability to apply Fall Prevention practices and procedures.
  • Ability to recognize the Hazards of Falling and preventing fall hazards.

Upon successful completion of the theory presentation and practical portion each individual will receive a Wall Certificate and Wallet Card in recognition of their achievement.

Assessment Criteria

  • Perform an end user inspection of a fall protection equipment
  • Complete a full body harness fitting and partner check
  • Complete the harness connection exercise
  • Achieve a minimum of 75% on the theory and the practical assessment

This course is a regulated for anyone working at heights of more than 3 meters above ground level. The foundation of the program and delivery of the course is based on the provisions of the Occupational Health & Safety Act of Ontario

Occupational Health and Safety Act R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851-  INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS

Duties of Employers

25 (1) An employer shall ensure that,

  • provide information, instruction and supervision to a worker to protect the health or safety of the worker;

(h) take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker;

(k) where so prescribed, provide a worker with written instructions as to the measures and procedures to be taken for the protection of a worker; and

(l) carry out such training programs for workers, supervisors and committee members as may be prescribed.

  1. Where a worker is exposed to the hazard of falling and the surface to which he or she might fall is more than three metres below the position where he or she is situated,
  • the worker shall wear a serviceable safety belt or harness and lifeline that is adequately secured to a fixed support and so arranged that the worker cannot fall freely for a vertical distance of more than 1.5 metres; and

(b) the fall arrest system described in clause (a) shall

(i) have sufficient capacity to absorb twice the energy and twice the load that under the circumstances of its use may be transmitted to it, and

(ii) be equipped with a shock absorber or other devices to limit the maximum arresting force to 8.0KN to the worker. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851, s. 85; O. Reg. 420/10, s. 14.

26.2 (1) An employer shall ensure that a worker who may use a fall protection system is adequately trained in its use and given adequate oral and written instructions by a competent person.

  1. Reg. 145/00, s. 13.

Canada Labour Code in relation to Fall- Protection Systems indicate under 12.10 the following:

Every Employer shall provide a fall-protection system to any person who works:

  • From an unguarded structure or on a vehicle, at a height of more than 2.4m above the nearest permanent safe level or above any moving parts of machinery or any other surface of thing that could cause injury to a person on contact.

The components of a fall protection system shall comply and meet the following Standard:

CAN/CSA Standard Z259.17-16– Selection and use of active fall-protection equipment and systems. The purpose of this Standard is to provide criteria for the safe selection and use of fall- protection equipment and systems.

The selection and use of fall-protection systems as part of a fall-protection program that may include such elements as hazard assessment, work methods, purchasing, practices, training, maintenance, and inspection, intended to minimize the risks involved.

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